Thursday, February 26, 2009

A 'Tribute' to Beethoven

Since the Beethoven post yesterday brought up the Trans-Siberian Orchestra's 'version' of Beethoven's 5th Symphony, I decided we should get to hear it. And, during my visit to YouTube, I discovered many many other excellent renditions.

CAUTION: If you are musically sensitive in any way, your soul may be offended by these videos.

(Also, some of the videos are long, because, well, it's a symphony, not some pop radio hit.)

Video #1: The Trans-Siberian Orchestra (TSO). Enjoy?

Video #2: Seemed semi-appropriate for The Blog.

Video #3: I have no words for this.

Video #4: This video is disturbing and makes no sense--make sure you catch the part in the middle where the kitchen chairs move unaided and the camera is dropped (to simulate an earthquake?)I actually recommend wasting 7:22 seconds of your life to watch the entire thing because it makes less sense as it goes on.

Video #5: Some music just shouldn't be restyled.

Now that you are sufficiently pained, visit the poll on the right to vote for the best--and by best I mean worst--Beethoven video.

Oh, and don't date people who abuse good music with bad renditions and weird images.


  1. #4 really is great. Pay attention to the Godzilla scene and you can catch a glimpse of a young Perry Mason (Raymond Burr)--who knew?

  2. I think guitar trios are a bad idea. Anywhere, anytime, anytune.
