Friday, March 27, 2009

A Note from Our Sponsor and Boys Do Lame Stuff

This week I had a few issues pulling me away from the blogging world, mainly graduate school (do I really need more reasons?); new confusing software (I attempted to follow an online tutorial--big mistake); and donating blood (trauma of my life--pics posted below).

It has been mentioned that the tag 'boys do lame stuff' shows up on a lot of posts, and I have explained that this is mainly because most of the story submitters are girls. But next week, and part of the following week, there will be a special series of posts all sent in by boys. (Well, actually, all the stories so far are from just one boy, but I may twist the arms of a few others to get some more good posts.)

Anyway, don't forget to check out next week's series of bad date stories from the ever-entertaining male perspective. And though the 'boys do lame stuff' tag does apply in several places, I have refrained from using it.

So here are pictures of my arm after some serious blood donation trauma. It looks worse in person. The really dark spot is the lovely color of grape juice--and just so you know, I do not bruise easily. Thanks, Red Cross!

I donated on Tuesday, and the picture on the left is from Thursday.

The picture on the right is from Friday--still pretty sad.

This was my first and last time giving blood.


  1. I got mono after giving blood.
    I'm done too!

    Sorry about your nasty looking sore!

  2. I've been hearing a lot of nasty blood-giving stories lately--rolled veins, cut veins, etc. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
